Kyaninga Child Development Centre and Kyaninga Inclusive Education Hub

In Uganda, an estimated 13% of children (2.5 million) live with a disability and access to healthcare, rehabilitation and education is extremely limited. Widespread cultural beliefs that disabilities are an untreatable curse often cause disabled children and their families to be excluded from their communities, causing increased family stress, financial burdens, and the reluctance to access education. 

KCDC promoting equal opportunities for children with disability

Since 2013 Kyaninga Child Development Centre (KCDC) has been actively promoting equal opportunities for over 8,000 children with disability, through its provision of essential health care, therapy, rehabilitation services and its socio-economic support to children with disabilities and their families living in Western Uganda. Kyaninga Inclusive Education Hub was set up in 2020 as an integral part of KCDC’s holistic approach to promoting equal opportunities.  The Hub ensures more children with a wide range of physical, intellectual and communication disabilities, can gain access to inclusive classrooms, where they can thrive and learn effectively, alongside their nondisabled peers. Kyaninga Inclusive Education Hub is currently making the vision for inclusive, equitable and quality education a reality for thousands of children in Western Uganda.  (SDG4)

Ed Hub Impact…

What we do

The aim of Kyaninga Education Hub is to reignite progress towards high quaility basic education for all primary children, by effectively equipping teachers with the necessary child-centred pedagogy to meet the learning needs of all children, including those with disabilities.

“When everybody is included everybody wins” Jesse Jackson.

The Education Hub comprises of 3 key elements:

  • Kyaninga Inclusive Model School
  • Professional Development center
  • Inclusive Education Community Outreach

The Inclusive Education Hub, part of the solution...

Although 96% of children in Uganda enrol in Primary School, only one sixth of all children complete their primary education with the required minimum standards in literacy and numeracy. As is the case elsewhere around the world,  children with disabilities remain one of the principal groups currently excluded from education provision, with approximately only 9% of Ugandan school-age Children with Disabilities attending primary school.


The right to a high quality education for children marginalised by disability and poverty is an urgent issue. Inclusive education can break the link between disability, family income and lack of educational achievement. Therefore, there is a moral imperative to support teachers to raise attainment and close the disadvantage gap.


A fundamental reason for the poor quality of education and exclusion of Children with Disabilities is the severe shortage of well-trained teachers who are adequately prepared for working in diverse classrooms, or equipped with the confidence, knowledge and skills to effectively support learners with disabilities.

The key to the solution lies in training teachers in effective inclusive, learner centered practices

Kyaninga Inclusive Model School

A joyful place where children are empowered to explore their potential through educational excellence within an environment of growth and well-being.

Professional Development Center

A cornerstone for transformational learning that raises standards and brings about real improvement in classroom practice in local Ugandan Schools.

Inclusive Education Community Outreach

The Education Hub’s community outreach team overcomes stigma, negative attitudes and the numerous barriers that prevent children with disability (CwD) gaining access to school.

Download the Kyaninga Education Hub Brochure

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